Same but different

Once again I have been comparing and contrasting various approaches to warriorship, combative tactics and training methods. I have been traveling to New Jersey to train with Jack Hoban (Budo Tai Jutsu) trying to better understand their approach to warriorship and tactical combat. Likewise I have also been studying with Mushdaq Ali in Silat which is an Indonesian martial art specializing in empty hand, knife and stick combat. Both are very cool arts with many practical applications. Although my background encompasses many areas it is good to get new perspectives of how things can be the same but different. I began studying martial arts in 1976 and have spent time as a student, competitor, combatant, survivor and teacher in numerous traditional, sport styles, and tactical arts. A few years back I had some complications from a seemingly routine operation that limited my ability to roll (grapple) for a little more than a couple years, putting a HUGE cramp in my training (and my spirit) for a while. It defiantly shifted my focus. I am grateful for all of my hard sport and functional training of sport styles in particular MMA, BJJ and Kickboxing (in all their variations). Training with a no nonsense approach is important from a functional standpoint, but so is personal development, health, proper psychology, tactical strategy, empowerment, compassion, defensive tactics, fitness, developing / maintaining warrior ethics and having an overall sustainable training methodology if you are planning on getting the most out of your training over your lifetime. Everyone develops their own groove as far as how they like to train. It will change over time if you follow this path long enough. So, find what is good for you and adjust what you need to as you grow, develop and age. Look for people who share your general views in training. If you get a lot from Tai Chi but, don't like hard contact you may not enjoy Bjj or MMA classes, but don't confuse how practical and functional your training is if you are not training in a way that is using free flowing progressive resistance. Typically the greater the adversity the more realistic the training. Know what you want out of your training. Train safe because it is hard to train if you are injured, besides no one will want to train with you if you are hurting them all the time. Have fun or you won't want to do it for long. In the long run I think it is about Humor, Paradox and Change. Although it usually takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears too!!

Keep going.



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