The "Buzz" and Some Insights

Hey Gang~

I'm sitting here listening to some Dishwalla, thinking about my life, my past, my new career directions and just reflecting on the day.

It's been a good day. Krav class in the morning was good. We worked on some clinching and talked about negotiation and de-escalation tactics and how it relates to Universal Values.

After class wrapped up I went to another great seminar taught by Buzz Smith. Chuck Pippin from Innovative Martial Arts brought Buzz in to teach this all day seminar.

Buzz taught with great thoughtfulness, insight, and respect. I've grown to admire those qualities in him. He always shares his unique perspective and art openly with the skill and care of a true artisan. He explains the concepts in a way that everyone can understand. By making the complex simple he doesn't just show you what he can do, he shows you what YOU can do. The mark of a good instructor. I'm sure everyone left with more than what they came in with on many levels.

I saw and trained with many others that I haven't seen since The Gathering in Spring or at one of the other seminars. It was great to see and train with everyone! Also thanks to Chuck for bringing Buzz in! Much appreciated!

One other thing happened that I want to mention: Buzz asked his childhood sweetheart Deb to marry him! She accepted...of course! :-)

Buzz told us that he chose to propose to Deb at the seminar because he considered us all his family and wanted to share that moment with us as well... people who he cared about and who cared about him. It was a touching moment for all of us. Congratulations Buzz and Deb! Thanks for sharing that with us!

Ok, now here is the educational part of the show... well sort of. For your education and entertainment I picked out some videos and pasted them below. I labeled each with a thought. You should find them rather informative, educational, but mostly just entertaining. Enjoy!!

*For those who offend easily or are upset by profanity you may want to skip this next part! :-)

When to Give Up:

How to Properly Profile a Threat (Will Smith Style):

Private Security 101... I thought you'd be bigger!

Confidence and Being a Good Host:

The 4 Big Questions:

Preparing for the Impossible Krav Style:

What a Real Car Jacking Looks Like ( your dreams or if you're Jeremy Wiersma):

Belt Ranking:

The True Origins of the UFC & Life Perspective:

The YOU you Want to Be:

Is This Reality?

A Life in a Dream:

One Night Stands, Melancholy & Serendipity:

Follow Your Bliss, But Ignore This Music!

Predator & Prey / Protecting & Defending:

What We'd Like to do When Someone is Trying to Screw Us in a Business Deal (Explicit):

Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed my fun little tangent!?

Talk to you all soon.

Keep going,


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