Israel's Yad Veshem - Holocaust Memorial

"The Unknown Righteous Among the Nations" Monument at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial & Museum in Israel Although this was my second time to Israel's National Holocaust Memorial & Museum it had the same, if not more powerful effect on me. Once again, Elliott Chodoff provided incredible depth and insight to the tour. Moving through room after room of stories and artifacts that brought alive the tragedy that gripped the world not so long ago. I still can't help but feel the panic and helplessness for a population who were hunted down and exterminated by a major industrial world power of the time. The world stood by and watched as the Jews were systematically collected and killed. The Germans simply did not get rid of all of the Jews in Germany, they were set to find and eliminate all of the Jews throughout the entire world! The individual stories that were depicted were difficult to hear. The movie footage and pictures were attempting to give a sen...