The Key to Success

Warrior Dash 2012 - Finish Line Andy Veen & Craig Gray There was a young man who wanted to be successful in life, so he went to this old guru who was very successful at everything he did and asked him how he did it. The guru said to meet him on the beach at 6am the next day and he'd show him how to be successful. So, next morning the young man dresses in his best clothes and meets the guru on the beach at 6 am. The old man grabs on to the young mans hand and asked, "How bad do you want to be successful?" The young man says, "really bad." So the old man takes the young man by the hand and wades waist deep out into the morning surf. The young man is thinking, this old man is crazy, I want to be successful, not learn how to swim! But he humors the old man because he wants to know how he became so successful. The old man goes out deeper in the water and says "come out a little further." So the young man does. Now the water is up to hi...