Fast Easy Safe Krav Maga by Moshe Katz
While sitting on the bus during my trip to Morelia I noticed the advertisements on the screen in front of me, hard not to notice during the long trip. It read Rápido, Fácil y Seguro, (Fast, Easy and Safe). There were referring of course to their bus line, and I have to agree with their assessment; indeed it was fast, (on time) easy and very safe. It was comfortable, and they even served a lunch, which I could not eat, but I appreciated the gesture. Of course those words hit home. This in fact summarizes our goals with IKI Krav Maga; we want to keep our techniques and our training fast, easy and safe. Fast - We want our students to be able to pick up the techniques fast. Most people do not pursue martial arts or self-defense training as a full time endeavor. They do not have the time. As such most martial arts training becomes useless for them, if they cannot pick it up in the time that they have available, they are in fact wasting all the time they invested ...