Pushing the Envelope

I just got back from a great week out in New Jersey! Many of you know my involvement with Resolution Group International (RGI). If you don't, here's the scoop: RGI is a training company founded by Jack Hoban to address the needs of Military, Law Enforcement and other organizations. To say that the training exclusively deals with how to manage a wide spectrum of conflict would be accurate, yet inadequate regarding the depth of impact the training has on an individual's life and career. Jack hand picked each of us trainers: Lt. Col. Joe "Marine" Shusko, Sgt. Maj. Brian Pensak, NYPD Artie Mark (Ret.), Senator Orrin Hatch's Former Press Secretary, Margarita Tapia, James Challender Former Commandant of the NJ State Police to name a few. So, what's different this time around? Well, it's not quite an "if I told you I'd have to kill you" scenario, but it is still pretty confidential, so I can't go into a great amount of detail yet. ...