
Showing posts from August, 2015

How to Survive a Mass Shooting by Wes Siler

    As a kid, fire drills taught you fire safety. And you haven’t been killed by a fire. Your parents trained similarly for nuclear war. With 248 mass shootings in US in the 238 days of 2015, it’s time we began treating those the same way. This is how.  That statistic is drawn from , a community-sourced tracking tool. “The old FBI definition of Mass Murder (not even the most recent one) is four or more people murdered in one event,” the site’s creators explain of what makes it different from law enforcement-sourced numbers. “It is only logical that a Mass Shooting is four or more people shot in one event.” This is not just another article meant to scare you. I write about adventure travel in the outdoors and, through that, I live a life of managed risk. I’ve rescued myself and saved the lives of others. I’m able to do all that because I try to learn everything I can about the risks I face, learn how to overcome them, and ...

Sometimes I Struggle

  Yesterday was a good day! I taught a PeaceWalker seminar at the West Michigan Science Academy Charter School to about 30 teachers preparing for their upcoming school year. We talked about important life changing things regarding protecting and inspiring our future generations! Then I went home and took a quick 20 minute nap, changed my clothes, worked out and taught three Krav Maga classes. I got home about 10:30pm, jotted down a few ideas that came to me during the evening, read, put on some Rush and went to sleep. This morning I woke up, ran 4 miles; jumped on the scale to see I achieved one of my weight goals. Then I went on to answer a handful of emails and phone calls regarding classes and seminars; I had lunch with a friend and then started planning my next move regarding future projects. All in all a great day and life! I am fortunate to do what I love for a career! However, somedays I struggle... I struggle to be thankful for what I have, rather than what I do...

Connecting the Dots

  As you may know, I made a commitment to myself and all of you to post four blog entries every month. I was successful at doing this last year and by hell or high water, I will succeed this year as well. However (there seems to always be a "however") there are some weeks or in this case months where I am busy, overwhelmed and exhausted, which leads to me getting a bit of writers block resulting in me stressing that I will fall short of my four blog post per month goal. As you probably can tell, I'll fill in my off weeks (or months) with guest posts or information that I gathered elsewhere that I hope you find interesting and beneficial. These are the times that I don't have the creative juices to write something profound enough for your distinguished literary pallet! It seems this has been my norm the past couple months. I have been busy with my own projects: The Krav academy, PeaceWalker, RGI, training, writing my (soon to be completed) book, etc.These thin...

Peace Walk

  I recently received an interesting request from a man named Raimonda Bunikyte. According to Raimonda's google profile, he is from Alytus, Lithuania. Here's what he wrote to me:  I just recently finished my Peace Walk across the Western Front of the first World War (from Switzerland to the Northern sea). I documented everything and my aim was to publish so that people would read and see what war looks like because this was the event that created the world we are living now. If we would to take out of the history the First World War - nothing would make sense. No Second World War, no Russian revolution, no Soviet Union, no cold war, no nuclear weapon, computers would also probably developed later. And also, this war is the embodiment of the meaningless of war.  I will post everything on the blog I specifically created .  I was wondering could You please help spread the word about this? It's my own personal initiative so ...