New Years Eve Eve Day

As you know, 2015 is pretty much done. What were my expectations for this past year? Well, according to my blog post last year, here is what I said:

1) I should have my forthcoming book ready for editing and soon after release.

Well, I was WRONG here! The book is STILL forthcoming! =(

Here's the status: I just finished rewriting one of the final chapters. I am working on tying a couple of the chapters together a little better and writing the (brief) conclusion chapter. It is the #1 of my two projects I am committed to finishing in 2016! Plan to submit to editing by March 1, 2016.

2) 5 SUPER SEMINARS Regarding business applications, Krav Maga, Conflict Management and Leadership.

I taught 3 of the 5 Super Seminars. I had some high expectations and learned more what my current tribe is looking for; what needs to be nurtured a bit more; and how the tribe needs to be expanded. I am planning 5 more SUPER SEMINARS in 2016! The first one is the iConnecti Protectors Conference, February 20th. I am headlining the conference w/Israeli Defense Force Maj. Elliott Chordoff. Click here for more info and to register.

Keep an eye on my calendar for 2016 to see what else is going on regarding public events, workshops and seminars.

3)  RGI Events.

RGI (Resolution Group International) heated up in 2015 and looks like it will continue to boil in 2016 as well. Our contract with Camden PD in New Jersey has us running workshops and sustainment sessions on a regular basis. We are honored to be involved with them, helping to create a new culture for their officers and community. We have been getting a lot of media coverage as well.

2016 will be a pivotal year for RGI and it's great to be a part of that team. I enjoy working with everyone: Jack Hoban, Artie Mark, Lt. Col. Joe "Marine" Shusko, Sgt. Maj. Brian Pensak, Margarita Tapia, James Challender, Gary Klugiewicz, James Morganelli, Rich Little, Kevin Lutz, the Camden PD Mentors, Mark Guest, Josh Sager, Tony Notarianni, Michelle, Alana B., and all of the others who have been involved. 

4) Other seminars and trainings. I'm excited to be working on some cool new collaborations with some new people in 2015 as well! 

That did happen! Over all I spoke at or taught at well over 50 seminars and events this year. That's an average of about one per week, however as you probably can guess it didn't work out that smoothly, some weeks I didn't have any and others I had 3 or 4 events! I'm planning on smoothing that out more this year. I'm off to a great start so far. I have over half my year booked solid already and many other projects in the works! It's going to be an incredible year!
I tried numerous different marketing, PR and advertising initiatives in 2015 as well: 

~ Facebook Ads
~ Google Adwords
~ A New PeaceWalker App
~ Lunch & Learns
~ Promotional Speaking Engagements & Workshops
~ Hiring an Agent
~ I'm sure there are others that are escaping me at the moment.

Some of these experiments worked, others not so much. I'm collecting the data and making the assessment on improving or eliminating what was and wasn't effective. I'll continue with those things that worked, re-evaluate those things that didn't and add some new tricks to the mix for 2016.

I am going to add a couple things for 2016: 

A) Beginning in February I am planning on a PeaceWalker webinar series.

B) Production of a 12 Week On-Line PeaceWalker Classroom Management System for Teachers is in the works. (This is #2 of my Two Big Project for 2016 Commitment! Remember #1 is my book?!) 

I will continue to grow and create my business in a direction where I am feeling fulfilled personally and professionally.

In 2016 I plan to continue creating and maintaining a culture that encompasses how to better LIVE PROTECT & INSPIRE.

That's what I am shooting for this upcoming year!  

I could go on writing my plans, however why don't you stop reading about mine and keep working on YOURS!

Thanks for sharing some of 2015 w/me. I look forward to more in 2016 as we Keep Going on this wonderful, paradox we call life!

All the best,


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