Giving & Receiving

I don't know about you, but this time of year is both cool and crazy! I'm taking a breather from getting ready for Christmas while I write you a quick note. Yesterday was a s#*t show thanks to my (now former) health insurance agent who totally dropped the ball on my insurance and left me in a really precarious position to figure things out for myself. For Christmas I'd send you (former insurance agent) a coupon for a FREE Krav Lesson, but I'll let Life take care of that for you. You reap what you sow brother... ...Be careful what your sowing!! Anyway, after spending the entire day scrambling to figure things out... Talking to multiple insurance companies, faxing, figuring and basically driving blind, I (think) I got things squared away. I'd REALLY love to let the cat out of the bag as to who this ' delta bravo' insurance agent is...but I won't... I will, however tell you who stepped in to help.... I wan...