Goal Setting is for Losers!

Here I sit at one of my favorite coffee houses and I am already realizing in order to obtain my goals things are going to have to change! . As someone once said... . "You can't get there from here..." I started blogging in 2008 and have no plans on stopping, however it's time to cut back on the posts slightly to make room for new things. . Even the thought of changing or *gasp* eliminating my 2013 commitment to write four blog posts per month is already proving more difficult to shed mentally than I expected. . Have you ever had that in areas of your life?! . Somewhere down inside of me I feel as if I am giving up. That since I made the commitment I need to continue to uphold it no matter what! And if I don't continue to do so, I failed in some way or I become some sort of loser somehow. . EVEN IF IT'S TIME TO CHANGE!! . EVEN IF THOSE OLD EXPECTATIONS ARE NO LONGER NECESSARY FOR GROWTH!! . Even if it's TIME T...