Ambush vs. Hiding

My '2nd' Mom turned 70 the other day. Who is my '2nd Mom? I have a friend who I've been hanging around since I kindergarten. I've know them for over 40 years! (Yikes! am I really THAT old!?) I think I was over to his house more than my own as a kid. Needless to say his Mom over the years became my 2nd Mom. ...Anyway we had a surprise Birthday party for her and seeing three generations of people who I've known my whole life and I feel are more of a family to me than friends... ...It Reminded me how important our relationships are... How important living a good life is... It reminded me why being a protector is so important! It reminded me on WHY WE TRAIN!! For Life... Yes, our own protection, of course... But, even more so to help protect others too... ...That brings us back to our discussion... Avoid - Escape - Ambush - Attack What happens when Escaping isn't an option?! W...