The Two Sides of the Gun Violence Debate
I was recently asked to be a panelist on a community meeting regarding Gun Violence in Schools. I somewhat reluctantly accepted... Why?! Because some of these meetings are healthy and beneficial. Others are just a circus of minefields, agendas, fear, anger and soapboxes. None of which I have any interest in. I will know tomorrow night at the event whether or not I made a wise decision regarding being a part of this event. DIY v. It Takes a Village It seems that there are two main ways many people are coming at this "gun violence in schools" issue. 1) This group believes that we need to restrict or ban guns so that dangerous people can't have access to them. I call these people the "It Takes a Village". The "It Takes a Village" perspective believes that we as a society shouldn't have the need for the citizens to have access to weapons personally, because "the Tribe" (Society: a.k.a. police and/or militar...