Dealing With Non-Compliant People

Let me be clear, this is ONE WAY to deal with someone who is not doing as you asked... It is NOT THE ONLY WAY... It is simply one way... No, it won't magically make someone succumb to your every request, it is just simply clearly communicating expectations and setting boundaries. Here's the Process! When you clearly asked something of someone and they agreed to do what you asked, but didn't: You: "Based on what we agreed on, my expectation was (say what was agreed upon)." "However, what happened was (describe what actually happened)." "So, the impact was (describe how the situation affected not only that person, but if you can, how those actions [or lack of] affected a bigger picture and/or others)." "What happened?" (LISTEN) Then Say: "I hear what you're saying. I've had things happen before too. So, let me get this straight (Ask any questions you need to clarify ...