Trick or Treating is a Like Self Defense

Trick or Treat... 
Good for Halloween... 
Bad for Protecting Yourself!

Remember Halloween night when you were a kid!?

You prepared for weeks figuring out what you'd dress up as...

Mapping out your route to the houses that you knew handed out the best candy...

Getting your Halloween flashlight...

Remember those things?!

They were these really cheaply made flashlights that had a pumpkin, ghost or witch face made of plastic on the front end of the flashlight. We picked them up at Meijers (our local grocery store)...

They never survived the night w/o breaking or just not working.


Choosing your candy bag?! 

Not too small... (You want to make sure you have enough room for all that loot!)

...or too big... (You don't want to lug around something that slows you down from getting to the next house... Lord knows they might run out of candy before you get there...)

So finally, the night comes!!!

You're all duded up and your folks unleash you on the neighborhood!

You look to see who has their porch light on... or some other signs of life indicating that they're 'open for business' so to speak...

You're soooo excited (and a little nervous too!)

You run for the door and make your approach. Stopping your sprint just inches before you slam into the house. You reach out with your little pointer finger to ring the doorbell...


And then yell...


You excitedly wait for the sound of the door opening. The Oohing and Ahhhing as people fawn over your expertly fashioned costume. 

Then out comes...The BOWL!!!

Yes, that's right!!!!

The Bowl w/the CANDY!!!

You open your bag and preparation for a healthy handful of sugary goodness!

You scream 'thank you' as you tear off to the next house to be sacked!

Aaaaaahhhhhh the memories!

Conflict & Violence Is a Lot Like That Too...


Just like Trick or Treating...

Conflict and violence has a rhythm, script and 'rules of engagement' as well.  I call it...

"The Game"

Rather than going over all of the details (like I do in the PeaceWalker Course)...

Let me hit a main point or two...

1) There are PLAYERS: 

With Halloween, there are the Trick or Treaters, the parents that haul them around and the people who hand out the candy!

Everyone knows their role!

Same thing when it comes to conflict, crime and violence...

There are...

Aggressors ('perps') & Victims

Aggressors are looking for victims, either consciously (premeditated) or innately (they have learned how to spot targets who are vulnerable and are now drawn to them almost naturally).

Don't Be a Target or Look Like a Good Victim!


Stay Alert! Look Like You Could / Would Protect Yourself.

Have a good Baseline! (Meaning have the right Attitude, Awareness & ability for appropriate Action!)

Stand up for yourself and draw clear boundaries.

Just like when you were a kid trick or treating...

Have a PLAN! It doesn't need to be complicated. As a matter of fact, the simpler, the better! But have one! 

How you're get in and out...

What to do if things go 'South'.

What does 'Going South' look like?

Like Trick or Treating... If you go to a house that has their light on, but if no one comes to the door after a few attempts of ringing the doorbell and yelling 'Trick or Treat', you cut your losses and move on to the next house...

If a stranger tries to get you in their car... Yell and find your parents!

You get the idea...

It doesn't have to be complicated!

If you are in a relationship and it's abusive. Get out! Relationship DONE!

BTW - That works for jobs / careers as well. If your job is abusive and sucks... GET A NEW JOB!

If someone put a gun to your head and wants your money... Give them your money!

If someone tries to isolate you and take you somewhere you don't want to go... DON'T GO WITH THEM!

When you go places... Know where the exits and entrances are and what to do if they're blocked!

Have a plan for you and your family in the event of an intruder...

I could go on, but... You get the idea!

Well, I hope you had some Spooky Halloween Fun on your All Hallows Eve!?!

And Remember...

Wondering if you'll get a Trick or Treat is fun for Halloween...

But, it's not when it comes to the safety of you or those you care about!

Have fun and be safe!

All the best,

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