Frogman Mindset Part 1 - Mental Rehearsal

Remember last week's 'Future Pacing' blog on mindset, where I paraphrased my Navy SEAL com- padre' Joe K. and said... "Joe feel free to chime in..." Well, he did... (Thanks Joe!) WARNING - "CRAIG-ISM" ALERT: I have to admit, every time I hear from Joe, I think of that Jimmy Hendrix song! "Hey Joe, where you goin' w/that gun in your hand..." (Sorry... I can't help it!). =) Anyway... Joe wrote a very thoughtful email that I asked him if I could share w/you... He shared three different processes that a Warrior or Protector can tap into when building mental toughness. *Because I've been trying to keep these blogs shorter, I'll share the first one here and save the others for the next email or two. The first principle he shared is... Mental Rehearsal: Mental Rehearsal: That is simply rehearsing a technique, move, procedure, etc. Whatever that skill is, bre...