Lessons From an Old Marine

Yesterday was Veterans Day and although I did send a quick shout out to all of our boys (and gals) out there who served, I wanted to take a minute to do a better job of it...

I want to recognize all of you who chose to serve in the Armed Forces. You chose a path that many of us in this country never do. Yes, there are some of you around that were drafted, but you STILL CHOSE to serve rather than abandon that call by way of draft dodging.

You may have went in to protect and serve your country. You may have went in because you wanted to invest in yourself in some way, training or college benefits. You may have went in because a judge 'suggested' it, to blow shit up... or the adventure of it...

Whatever the reason, you wrote a blank check and gave it to Uncle Sam that may have included sacrificing your life for a cause larger than yourself regardless if you realized the weight of the implications at the time...  

Thank You!

I hope you realize the level of service you provided. I hope you saw and still see clearly what it means to hold that position. What the fight was and continues to be for...

To protect and serve life is the highest calling. I believe that our Constitution and Bill of Rights works to do exactly that. However it is just a paper tiger unless we have people like you who are willing to put their life on the line to uphold what that agreement declared.  

Thank You!

Lessons From an Old Marine...

My dad was a Marine. He came from a very poor family. Due to lack of resources and other opportunities, he decided to go into the military. He hadn't graduated from school yet, so, he lied about his age to get in. Not only was he looking for opportunity for himself, but he wanted to take some of the burden off from his mom and siblings financially.

At a young age he was a protector...

He wanted to protect his family. So, in 1959 he joined the Marines and from his very first paycheck, he sent that money home to his mom to help support his family.

He got his GED as he served as an MP in Okinawa and the Philippines. He saw the ugly side of the segregation, race tension and riots. He got out in the mid-sixties when our country was building toward the Vietnam War. 

He didn't really talk about his service (to me anyway) until he was retired. It didn't sound like he really enjoyed his time in the Marine Corps, he said he did it out of necessity. 

Although he is very patriotic, I think he went in to protect his family more than his country. However he ended up Protecting and Serving both and for that I am grateful. 

Thanks Dad... I Love you. 

I have always been inspired by your example. You taught me how to be a protector... How to be a man. You were a man of few words. Your actions continue to teach the lessons... You lead by your example of what it means to be a true Protector...

I wouldn't be doing what I do today if it weren't for your example. 

Summit Honoring Our Vets

The Protectors Summit is a tribute to many of the Vets that I know and work with... 

It was a way to both honor them and serve you!

I interviewed over 20 U.S. & Israeli Military Vets / security experts asking them how they transitioned from soldier to civilian protectors AND how you and I can protect ourselves, our families and community better! 

You'll be surprised at some of the things they had to share.

Click below for details.

Talk to you soon!

Keep Going,


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