How the Grinch 'Schooled' Whoville

We're at the end of the holi-daze! That's the two-ish weeks surrounding Christmas and New Year where work schedules, social events, family stuff and other holiday type festivities intersect with our regular schedules, resulting in a strange 'twilight zone' type feeling, where we aren't quite sure where or when we are in the time/space continuum. Past, present & future meld together with work, family and friends. How the Grinch 'Schooled' Whoville Yes, the Grinch can be a crotchety, termite-infested soul with a heart two sizes too small... However, there are a lot of beneficial things we can learn from him as well... Especially as it comes to defensive tactics! Check out what we can learn from how he totally "SCHOOLED" Whoville: 1. Tactical Thinking Coming up with all those successfully elaborate plans on the spot -- especially when under that kind of pressure -- is a pretty handy skill to...