Tell Your Boss 'NO' w/o Getting Fired!
Being a PeaceWalker and walking your path of being a Protector doesn't begin and end w/physical threats... Oh no! It includes that, but there is so much more... Knowing how to draw boundaries and deal with conflict at all levels are important skills to have. Skills you will use every day of your Life! HERE'S AN EXAMPLE from my Corporate America days... Years ago, the company I work for hired a new sales manager who was busting everyone's balls with meetings, projections and reports. To the tune of 15 to 20 hours per week (wasted) between conference rooms and on the computer... My normally 50+ hour weeks, quickly turned into 70+. I started coming in on the weekend to catch up, so I wasn't so buried during the week. It was out of hand... Finally, after a few months of this, everyone on the sales force was ready to blow a gasket, so rather than continue complaining and bellyaching, I decided to talk to the owner of the company about ...