Gallows Humor

This post could be seen as a bit of a follow up on my post about the Golden Globe Award monologue... 

Click HERE if you haven't read it yet!

Many folk that I know who have spent any time dealing w/people in crisis, be it medical emergencies (physical & mental), criminal behavior, security, military service, tough parenting, (bartending even) just to name a few...

You know, situations where there's potential for some serious sh*t to happen... Things like consequences and stuff we really, really don't want to happen physically, emotionally, socially, financially, you name it. Situations that are dire, when things are really on the line or feel like it.

The more the drama, conflict and violence we have to manage, the more we need to somehow find a way to deal emotionally with those circumstances (In the moment, before and after).

We have many ways of dealing...

Some healthy... others, not so much.

One way many of us deal is by having 'Gallows Humor'.

gal·lows hu·mor

/ˈɡalōz ˈ(h)yo͞omər/

Grim and ironic humor in a desperate or hopeless situation.

The darker and more serious the situation, the darker the humor can get...

However there are two (of many) things that can get in the way...

Modern Culture
A coroner's job is easy:

Every death is 'natural causes'...

"He was stabbed 15 times in the neck so, naturally, he died."


Two coroners cracking jokes about their last 'client' wouldn't be appropriate around the person's family...

And I'm sure no professional would share their humor in that context...


Now in today's day and age where we have more social / professional transparency than ever...

And as for boundaries on a personal and professional level!?!

Forget about it...

To say there is a lack would be an understatement.

This has resulted into some pretty substantial problems...

Now due to our interconnectiveness of the internet, people who aren't your friends (professional or not) are ALL seeing, hearing and reading your comments, jokes, pictures, videos, you name it.

Our personal & professional lives are on display & out in the open for all to see, which has repercussions both good and bad.

That comment that you might say, the smart a$$ remark you'd retort or off color joke you'd crack might be fine around you, your friends and colleagues.


They are not the only ones hearing those things now... EVERYONE is! =(

I don't know if this has contributed to our current oversensitivity, lack of tolerance, political correctness and loss of resiliency to pretty much everything, but it surely isn't helping!

Dark humor, irony and sarcasm have pretty much become illegal now-a-days. Being an a$$ hole has gotten to the point of being a federal offense.

I'm not advocating that anyone should be one, only that it shouldn't be illegal. It's one of the hidden costs of freedom.

With the state of the current affairs, it's a wonder I haven't been deported yet due to my disposition! =D

This is one of the reason's I'm not a huge advocate or participant of social media, be it fb, youtube, twitter or the like...

It's unbelievable what's going on out 'there'...

People getting fired, sued, even indited over tweets, posts and pics!

Part is the environment we're living in...

But, I have to be honest here...

You may or may not agree, but, some people are their own worse enemy!


Most of the stuff I'd lean over and say to my partner or friend would've gotten me in trouble 25 years ago if someone would've heard it, let alone plastering all over public networks of thousands (or more!) people... Most of whom you don't really even know...

Over sharing opinions, comments and things meant as jokes leaves room for things to be taken out of context or overheard by people who simply don't 'get' or agree w/those type of comments.

We all know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease so to speak, and it's easier than ever for these folks to share their feelings of being offended, appalled, disrespected or discriminated against... whatever.

And some of these folks aren't only sharing on line, some are taking organizational and legal action!

It's a problem!

We all have our own public reality shows now!

Congratulations you're a star! 

Which comes w/the good, bad and ugly being in the public eye, even if you didn't invite or want it!

Dark(er) Side of the Humor

Now, I believe that much of this type of humor and outlook comes from good people either who are dealing with a circumstance and/or (like me) they are just wired that way...

However, we do have to be careful because if out of balance, this type of humor and perspective can be thinly veiled indicators to true unhealthy behavior and in certain circumstances professional practices.

Also, if left unchecked, it can be the beginning to the slippery slope of desensitizing and dehumanizing people and situations...

We have to be careful not to have this type of perspective and humor build walls around our emotions, compassion and empathy that are essential for our relationships, jobs and lives.

Once again my brothers and sisters in arms...

It's a delicate balance.

Soap Boxes & Rabbit Holes

I didn't intend for this email to turn into such a rabbit hole...

However it is a good subject to talk about because it is an issue today!

No real solutions on this post, just a discussion... I do have some suggestions, but will save them for another time.

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Talk to you later.

Keep going,


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