Balance Point & Winning w/Less Effort

Yep, many people try too hard, but are less effective because they are grinding too much and not giving themselves the space necessary to excel...

So, we just keep trying harder getting less and less results.

You have to...

Get Out of Your Own Way...

This is SO counter-intuitive! So much so that most people will NEVER get it unless someone shows them how to do it! 

Instinctively we believe that by trying harder we'll be more successful...

In (krav) class I see it all the time... 

For instance, doing a take down, you'd think that by trying harder you'll be more successful... 

And to a certain degree you'd be right...

Don't get me wrong, in a physical confrontation, you do have to assert yourself... 

But there are ways to do it that will yield WAY more results w/far less effort... But you have to do it the right way! 

Because when you are facing someone bigger, stronger, more athletic than you, you'll need all the advantages you can get!

Knowing how to accomplish your objective w/the least amount of effort is essential for your own success & survival!

Showing Him the Door...

If you know anything about me and this System, you know that all of the concepts aren't just used for the physical techniques...

This technique works for other things too!

Here's an example how you can use it in negotiation...

After they're doing what you want, shut up!
There have been a lot of people who ruined the negotiation because they talk TOO MUCH! 


Here's an actual example from back in my bartending days:

One night there was an aggressive drunk who was getting out of hand. He was aggravating people and  trying to start fights.

It was time to kick him out before he accomplished his goal.

We called him a cab (waaay before the days of uber!) and I was elected to be the one to get him out of your bar...

He was talking sh*t the whole way... About the other guy, about the bar, about his ex, about his job, his boss... then about how he could kick my a**.

He wouldn't shut up...

But he didn't get violent and kept walking toward the door as I directed..

I haven't said a word except, "I hear you, but you gotta go... Let's head out to the door..."

It took some time, but I got him walking out...

He finally is on the thresh hold to the outside... 

I'm quiet pointing at the door... He glares at me, puts in his last threat and walks out...

I dug the hole, got his balance point, maneuvered him to the hole, got out of the way and now he's effortlessly 'falling' into it...

Yeah me!

Or so I think...

He gets two steps out and one of the new rookie bouncers yells at his back. Craig'll kick your a** if you try it buddy...


As soon as Mr. Drinky Drink heard that, he turned on his heels, walked back in  and was back up in my grill telling me how he could take care of business...

I quickly told the other bouncer to leave, because I've had it under control...

Then over the next 5 or 10 minutes had to once again get this guy to calm down and walk back out to his now waiting cab. 

There are many lessons to this story... here's just a few:

1) Balance is more than physical.
2) The first balance point to control is your own!
3) Sometimes you have to get out of your own way, by shutting up! 
4) Make sure your team knows how to be on your side & not a hindrance!
5)You have to have physical confidence to deal w/these types of situations more effectively. 


If you can get them to talk, you can get them to walk!

Control the Balance Point!

Finding the balance point of the person is a skill that not only takes practice, but the right perspective. 

You often need someone to help you learn this... and it can be a rather slow process! It takes work, but not in the way you might think! 

The real work is to NOT use brute force. This requires you to know first how to feel when you stole the person's balance and then how to control it to your advantage. 

One of the first ways I help people to begin to see this is by helping them to get out of their own way.

When you are 'doing a takedown' on someone, you figuratively dig a hole for your adversary to fall in and then manipulate them into falling in it. 

However, most people are standing in the same hole that they just dug to throw their adversary into.


Once you learn how to look at things differently, you will begin to see that with one or two a simple steps, you can get out of your own way and let your adversary fall into the hole you just dug for them. 

This is much easier than using a lot of strength and effort trying to throw them into the hole.

It's simple: Set it up, and let them fall into it!

Keep going,

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