Why Be More Like A Villain?!

Enter the Scammers... It didn't take the scammers long to begin taking advantage of the situation. Scammers taking advantage of the chaos for their personal or political gain... Scammers taking advantage of the bailout... Scammers calling you to get your personal info... Scammers texting you... Scammers emailing you... Even scammers w/the audacity to knock on your door & talk to you face to face! Big scammers.... Little scammers... ...and everything in between! This villainous behavior comes in many forms! Luckily, most people are honest and just trying to get beyond all of this... even help others who need a hand too! So what do I mean when I say.... Be More Like a Villain?! I know, I know, the idea of being a villain DOESN'T sound much like being a protector or PeaceWalker... Or does it?! Well, of course I'm not talking about the self centered aspects of their approach or their unethical qualities....