The Benefits of Procrastination

Remember what Patrick Swazye's surfer guru character, Bodhi said to Keanu Reeves in the 1991 movie classic, Point Break? 

 "Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true."

That can be true especially in situations that are critical,m when you don't have the luxury of time on your side.... Like a physical self defense situation or a verbal debate. 

The Power....

But, one thing that hesitation and procrastination does give you is...


Yes, one of the powers of procrastination is that if you're paying attention, it will tell you that you are either just being lazy... or there is something inside of that waiting, that you are afraid of. 

That's alright, but you may want to lean in and explore that a bit to find out what that is. 

If you can get to the bottom of that, it will give you the opportunity for growth...
And that my friend, will bring you into a greater place of power! 

Don't Play Small...

Speaking of hesitation and procrastination...

This virus situation has got me digging, thinking, plotting... 

All of the emotions and drama that have surrounded this situation, along w/some of the solitary confinement, will bear fruit!

I have not let this time go to waste!

One thing I'm getting out of all of this is that I realize I have been procrastinating on some things...

That hesitation has caused me to think. 

My perspective is changing...

There are a couple things regarding PeaceWalker that  I have been wanting to do... But I just needed to 'grow a pair', so to speak and...

Quit Living Small! 

And you should too! 

What Are You Hesitating On?'

If you stick around, in the not so distant future, I'll let the cat out of the bag as to what big, world changing things I'm planning with PeaceWalker... Things that you're a part of and will benefit from...

But in the mean time...

Now's a good time to take a good look at yourself and see what's holding you back!? What are you hesitating on? What is that procrastination telling you!?

Really dive into that and when you come out the other end, you'll be better because of it! 

Keep going,

Register at if you want to get on my [Almost] Daily email list. Almost every day I'll send you tips, tricks and tactics on how to better manage conflict and violence. How to build a Protector Lifestyle... How to become a PeaceWalker. 


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