When Fear is the Disease What's the Cure?


As the quote at the top of the page says:

"When fear is the disease, faith & confidences are the medicine."

~Debasish Mridha

It's easy to succumb to fear... 

Resist that temptation!

Have some Faith in yourself that you'll be able to handle what 2021 will throw at you. 

That faith can be built on the Confidence of surviving 2020. 

New Year's Resolutions!?

I'll be completely honest with you, I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions...

However, I AM big on reflecting on the past year and planning what I want to do in the upcoming year... 

How are you building your Life!?

Take some time to Reflect and Learn... Then look to the future. 

Now things may or may not work out how you planned, but your ability to adapt and overcome will stem from the stability of the blueprint you put together. 

The better the blueprint, the simpler it will be for you to transition and adapt. 

But, you'll have to be flexible. Learn when to hold on and when to let go. 

Don't worry, you'll get plenty of practice this year... So, live, learn, plan and hold on, because you'll have to adapt to the moving target...

That's Life!

You Got This!

I have faith and confidence in you that you'll be alright, if you just Keep Going!

And I'm here to help you. This community is here to help you. 

There are a lot of new things coming to PeaceWalker in 2021. I'm not going to share what those things are just yet, but I will soon! 

When I started writing down all the things that I put out in 2020, I was surprised! Courses, trainings, programs, videos, manuals, and the like... A lot of new resources for you folks walking the PeaceWalker path...

And there's more coming in 2021, so stay tuned! 

Alright... I'm gonna get going here. 

If you want to hear more about how I tackle New Year's Resolutions and the like, check out my Podcast Friday for the last episode of 2020!

Ok, have a great New Years and I'll catch you in 2021!

Keep going,


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