#1 Rule of an Argument

I Got Into a Little Trouble...

Last night I got into a little tift w/my significant other. Because I was gone since Friday, we hadn't spent any quality time together. 

I was a little late getting over to her place yesterday and that ended up causing some static between the two of us...

Uh oh!

We ended up sorting things out and everything ended well, but things could have easily taken another direction.

This is why the PeaceWalker Approach is so important. Yes, protecting yourself (and others) physically is important, however, to deal with the spectrum of conflict, you'll need more tools than that. In this case verbally and emotionally.

In this case, we were both mad and off baseline. We had to dial things in and get to a spot where we could talk. 

As we know, a verbal conflict can escalate. Most types of conflicts and threats we run into start out as a conversation, or at least have a verbal component to it. Which is why you need to have some emotional and verbal skills. 

Here is a PeaceWalker Rule that will pay you dividends!

#1 Rule of an Argument: There is never a need to argue.

When it comes to conflict. You don't argue. Period! When you learn how to see the situation clearly for what it is and state your case for the most good, least harm (for everyone), you become more persuasive. Remember, if that doesn't work, you have to have a "Plan B".
It's not getting the other person to do your bidding, it's presenting a solid request and knowing what YOU'RE going to do if things go South. This takes all of the pressure off from you from worrying about having to control their behavior.
There's a lot of stress and emotion attached to trying to control someone. This is because ultimately you can't, it their choice, that's why there's so much stress attached to it.
However, as you gain experience, and especially as your reputation allows you to have more of a voice in what goes down, you’ll eventually be in the position of power and influence. It's not just about learning how to defend yourself physically... That's just the start!
But that power and influence doesn’t usually happen right away.
When you are on the Protector's Path, things are different... You are different. More confident, safer, more successful in everything. You begin to develop power. You're not the only one who feels this power, everyone around you feels it too.
Yes, reality is unforgiving, and requires you to be responsible, take action, and stop pretending. But being a PeaceWalker is really the only way to go, especially in today's fear ridden world.
I found that this perspective rather than making me more afraid, angry or cynical about people, I actually loved them more. I have learned how to forgive them and let things go easier, so I can move on. 
I have also learned to never allow someone to steal time from me, or ruin my day by their attitude or failed promise — I give them a reasonable window, and when they’ve fail, I go to Plan B.
You always have a Plan B (and Plan C, and Plan D) when you live in reality. Not just with self defense situations. But, Life!
Sometimes you find yourself saying goodbye to unreliable friends and fun-but-sketchy colleagues… and you have to be okay with that. You’re going after long-term and short-term goals, and it takes commitment and sweat to reach them.
If your old crowd still believes that feeling confident and safe comes from fear, thuggery or even just luck, you may have to find a new crowd.
There will always be a little mystery in life. You encounter new stuff all the time. It's not bad, it's the spice of Life. But only if you approach with the confidence of a PeaceWalker, knowing you can handle yourself out there.Knowing that each challenge, each conflict, also brings an opportunity to not only figure out the problem, but also for your own personal development. 
Each situation can be broken down into knowable parts, figured out, and solved. Every time. 
Eventually, after you’ve know this system and applied those simple strategies to enough situations, you gain confidence and realize you are never stumped by the obstacles that jam most other people up. There is always a reason why people act the way they do. There is always a way out of a tight spot, if you know the answer and can see clearly.
When the reality of conflict and life become second-nature to you… When you engrain and live the tools you practice, you become That PeaceWalker everyone admires. That person you admire.
Does this make sense to you?
This entire subject is often the main entrée on our masterminds, and in every coaching session I do... regardless if I'm teaching Krav Maga or Conflcit Managment.
Living in reality as a Protector... As a PeaceWalker is a much better way to go, every time. And it really can make you a happier, more fulfilled and pleasant person too… one who just happens to be a bad ass.
Some of the most dangerous people I know are also the most loving, patient and caring.
You can be too. If you're following to path of the PeaceWalker.
I'm glad that I've been on this path for so many decades and I'm grateful my better half is too. It made it so our little squabble, didn't erupt into something worse. It turned out to be an opportunity to understand each other and ourselves better. And another chance to practice our PeaceWalker tools.=)


If you would like more skills of being a PeaceWalker and Living a Protector Lifestyle, get on my [Almost] Daily email insider's list. I know, I know, you already get enough spam coming in to your inbox. 
This isn't spam my friend. Oh, no, this is something that can change your life... Maybe even save it! 
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Learn to develop the skills to deal with the conflict and violence, while developing greater insight of yourself. 
I'll even throw in my Street Smart Survival Guide for free!
Here’s the link:

Don't wait... Check it out right now, before you wish you had! 

And as always...

Keep going,


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