The Best Self Defense System Ever Created?!


A few weeks ago, someone forwarded me one of Vox Day’s darkstreams.

I'll be honest, I didn't really know who he was. After looking at his website and other media, he doesn't seem to really be my cup of tea either, but I still gave him a listen...
He was talking about how, when it comes to systems of government — whether democracies, republics, or monarchies to outright communist or fascist systems — what’s far more important than the “system” is the leadership.
He says that the right leadership trumps the so-called right “system.”
Even a systems like socialism or communism can work to at least some extent with the right leadership, while the perfect utopian democracy-fanboy’s wet dream system will (and often does, historically) crash & burn with the wrong leadership.
Personally, I think Vox may have missed the point a bit regarding what a republic (vs. democracy) was supposed to offer...
Namely, a way for there to be a representative government of the people, by the people. One that has a means to peacefully transfer leadership, rather than a succession forced through violence.
But I can see his point regarding any form of government can be horrific with terrible leadership.
The laundry list of evil Old Testament kings alone are proof of that. Under the bad kings, the land & people suffered. Yet, under the right leadership, the land & people flourished.
And it's the same with any system of government.
The point?
There is no perfect system... Especially when it comes to protecting yourself and managing conflict.
Never has been one, never will be one.
I do believe some approaches are better than others.
Some may do 'this' better and 'that' not as well, however, even a 'good system' in the wrong hands will be inefficient or worse.
Sometimes, those approaces just turn into something else entirely.
I've seen good practitioners use not so good systems and find success. I have also seen great systems, used by a not so great practitioners, constantly fail.
The dog in the fight vs. the fight in the dog.
In my opinion there needs to be a bit of balance in both the approach and the person.
But, that is merely my opinion.
There is no perfect defense system — no matter what your favorite guru says.
Some are better than others.
And some are better for certain types of situations and objectives than others.
But what’s way more important is, who uses that system.
How well they use the tools they have developed and what they are really protecting, makes all the difference.
So it goes with my own “system” too.
A weak leader or an unclear protector will fail with anything I advocate.
This is especially true with my PeaceWalker Program.
(That will be opening again soon)
It’s not for people who are just armchair quarterbacks. It’s not for people who don’t take a “hands on” approach to their personal training. It's not for folks who are are just looking for an endless number of videos that show tricks, techniques & hacks. And it’s sure as hades ain’t for people who think that protecting yourself in real time is only about your punching, kicking and shooting skills.
Learning how to protect yourself is going to take a well rounded approach, beginning with your mindset and ethics.
That said, the PeaceWalker approach takes some time & patience...
It takes a lot of trial & error, too.
And it definitely takes strong leadership and discipline on your part.
If you don’t have these attributes all you’ll do is waste your money.
But, if you are a person who has what it takes, and can connect the dots of this approach beyond just the physicality of protecting yourself, then there's a chance. A chance you'll see how this PeaceWalker Approach can literally change every aspect of your Life for the better!
That’s my take on my own invitation to my free home study course Six Day Defense.
Is what it is.
Here's the link to the free course:

Keep going,


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