You've Been Trolled!
Visit From the Internet Troll!! Oh, yes! It's been a while! Yep, you got it, a Youtube Video Troller! I have to admit, I do love these guys! I only wish they'd be in one of my classes or seminars... But, that would mean they'd have to actually get out of their mom's basement and train! =D =D =D Here's what this one had to say about my 1 minute and 47 second video demoing a simple version of a foot sweep.=) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't normally like to be so negative, but you can't seriously think this would work? You block your attacker's punch, then he just stands there while you 1/ step in 2/ having pushed him back, grab him and pull him in 3/ sweep his leg? You would never have the time to do all that against a real attack. I know you have to break things down and go with the flow to demonstrate, but this is a big no-o. I bet you have something more practical you can show us. ~Fred B. ...