You'll Never Believe What JUST Happened!

So, there I was sitting in my living room / office, just getting off the phone with a friend of mine, Jack Hoban. I'm getting ready to type another [Almost] Daily email, when across the street I hear... Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! Then a slightly different pitched... Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.... Bang! It's not fireworks... Yep, I sh*t you not there was a gun fight that just went down at the convince store that is kitty corner from where I am sitting. I can literally see it out my window right now. The store's name is Four Brothers, but I lovingly named it four bros and a ho. Just after the event, I looked out my window to see some kid quickly running away from the scene. Now there is a swarm of cops, emt's. They'll be shutting the street down soon... (Now a couple minutes later) Street's roped off now. They were doing it when I snapped the picture at the top of this page. Mason Dixon Line... Believe it or not, I actually live in a nice area, but like m...