Hope - Luck - Fear
HOPE ISN'T A STRATEGY... Having a vision is the first step, having the commitment to turn that vision into reality is what separates those who take action from those who have hopes and make wishes. Now don't get me wrong, it's powerful to have hope... But it doesn't replace having a strategy when it comes to tackling anything, but especially when it comes to protecting yourself. It's not an either/or situation. The job of the PeaceWalker is to lead from the front. Remember... Where ever you go everyone is a little bit safer because you're there. Do it ethically and follow the Most Good / Least Harm principle. No, it’s not always going to be easy... sometimes it's not even possible. Other times it’s going to take everything you’ve got. When it comes to building a life as a protector here are some of the biggest mistakes people make: 1. They chase shortcuts instead of putting in the time Shortcuts also cut short your growth & expansion. Most peopl...