Dealing w/Someone Who is Upset

Today I thought I'd share a story that one of our PeaceWalker Private InnerCircle Members wrote in to me the other day. I have to admit two things: (1) I love hearing stories from you folks out there using this PeaseWalker Approach in real time. (2) Never a bad thing when I have one of these emails written for me! =) Either way, it's a great story that you can learn from regardless if you are a teacher or not! The way that Rob handled this student is indicative of the PeaceWalker Conflict Management Approach. No, this one isn't a physical encounter... Rather, it's one that many of us have to handle all to often at work and at home. Some great take away's here from Saint Rob! Ok... Breathe... Just Breathe... Teaching teenagers turns out to be phenomenal training for constantly honing your conflict management skills. I wanted to write to you today to tell you about a current experience and how Peacewalker training helped me stay level headed - please fe...