This Shouldn't Surprise You

David Lee Roth, Eddie Van Halen and Ted Nugent sometime in the 70's or (very) early 80's What does Rock & Roll have to do with being a better Protector?! Stay with me because I have an cool story for you with a PeaceWalker lesson inside... Before anyone knew who they were, an obscure rock band named Van Halen opened for Ted Nugent. During Van Halen's sound check Ted couldn't believe his ears . . . He was staring in amazement at this unknown kid named Eddie. The sounds coming out of this kid's guitar!! Nugent was out of his mind. How was he doing it?? Guitarists everywhere are obsessed with creating just the right tone, and so Ted just HAD to know how the kid was pulling this off. He was convinced that Eddie was using some sort of secret gear. After a bit of arm twisting, Ted finally talked Eddie's guitar tech into letting him give Eddie's rig a test drive. But when Ted started playing through Eddie's gear, a funny thing happened . . . Ted Nugent stil...