Learn to (Ice) Fish?!

Typically, people come to the academy, take a course or hire me to train their group to solve a problem. They want a solution to a situation that has happened, or one that they're afraid of happening. They want answers! They want an effective 'technique' to remedy what's ailing them. They're hoping the course or training gives them the medicine. And it might, however... Remember the old saying: "Give the man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime." Well, the same holds true when I am teaching people how to protect themselves, manage conflict and become better leaders. I can show them a technique a.k.a. the solution to the situation a.k.a. "Give them the Fish, so to speak. At one level that's ok... It's a good start, at least they may eat for the day. However, to really be effective, simply learning techniques isn't enough (especially when it comes to handling conflict and violence). You'...