Start Where You're At


I hope that you had a good New Year Celebration regardless if it was quiet like mine or loud and proud... bold and crazy... 

Regardless, I hope it was safe and something you enjoyed it w/the people you care about. 

And now hopefully you're RARE'N to start your... New Year w/a BANG!

Words of Advice on Resolutions

I'm not a big fan really. 

I am, however a big fan of looking back over the year to see what was working, and what wasn't. What I want more of and what I want less of. 

It's not only about goal though...

You should be dialing in what type of life you're creating... 

What type of a person are you becoming?!

Are you happy with where you're life is going?

You May Think Me Strange...

That at 52 I'd say what type of person I'm becoming...

Many would believe that by that age we have already became the person who we are and in certain respects I'd agree, however in many other aspects I wouldn't...

Make no mistake, we are always developing, always progressing or regressing, always changing...

And I want to make sure that I evaluate where I am and where I want to be... Who I am and who I want to become...

To make sure I'm doing the things necessary to support my decision and goals.

Simple, not Easy...

Start Where You're At...

Remember that this journey is a marathon and at times a sprint...

But it is a long journey, so you have to make sure whatever you do is sustainable. 

Make sure that the suck you have to embrace, no matter how large or small is worth it!

Time is a limited resource...

Remember how fast this past decade went?

The next 10 will go even faster! 

Make sure that the Juice is Worth the Squeeze in everything you set out to do!

Re-Evaluate Your Everything!

It's good to finish what you start...

But it's better to evaluate, re-evaluate and keep checking in to make sure where you're wanting to go still makes sense.

Things change and you should too! 

Relationships, careers, identities, activities, needs, health, responsibilities, pretty much everything!

Keep up and keep evolving!

It's ok to change...

The New Year can be a good time to reflect, re-evaluate and make a plan to move forward in a direction that give you more of what you want and less of what you don't!

Make sure you are enjoying the journey! As we have both experienced, it goes fast!

You Don't Live In a Bubble...

We are constantly dealing with other people, and with people comes conflict...

So if you want to be more successful in the next year, learn how to deal with that conflict better!

Gain a new sense of clarity and confidence when it comes to protecting yourself and others.

It will help you get more of what you want and less of what you don't!


Happy New Year! 

Make it the best year ever!!

If you're looking to get a head start on your best year yet, you have to commit to investing into yourself. The PeaceWalker 6 Day Defense will help you Become a Force For Good!

Keep going,


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