They Got More than They Bargained For!

I’m sitting here in front of the fireplace listening to Thievery Corporation and thinking… What a great weekend of training it was! The usual Tom Foolery on Saturday. Yesterday we had a good turnout for our Back to Basics Seminar at the local academy. Lot’s of new folks there experiencing this PeaceWalker Perspective for the first time. I must say, I thought everyone did a great job! I love sharing this path with new folks… Their questions… Their ‘Aha’ moments… The way they move… What they focus in on… and what they don’t… Training Your Subconscious?! Many people may think… “What good is one seminar going to do for me? I can’t learn anything in one class can I?!” Remember that story I told you last week about one of our members sharing some of these techniques with young ladies from Africa, who ended up using what she learned to protect her child and herself from an attempted kidnapping and physical attack. So, the answer is YES, you CAN Learn some pretty powerful, Life changing,...