
Showing posts from September, 2024

Feeling Good!

  You ever hear that Michael buble song, “Feeling Good”? It's a new dawn It's a new day It's a new life For me And I'm feeling good Well, if you’re training on a regular basis, your training should do that for you too! Now, that good feeling will take many forms… Sometimes its all about testing yourself and embracing the suck… That feeling of accomplishment and confidence you get from running the gauntlet. Other times, it’s a slower burn where you feel good because the training enriches you in a more balanced, sustained way. That good feeling you get because you know you’re learning, growing and Keeping Going. Also that good feeling because you are connecting with some great people and together you are sharing this journey. It’s Not an Accident… I don’t think it’s an accident that there are so many of these old ‘masters’ who are still kicking it and enjoying life out there.  Doesn’t matter what discipline… as long as its good, sustainable, and balanced. I’ve met so many

Spinning Plates

  Sunny day today. I’m feeling more myself. Trying to get back into my regular routine after almost two weeks of being sick. I typically keep a lot of plates spinning. My guess is you do too. Life’s going to be busy, that’s just the nature of things. However, there’s different kinds of busy. Good, structured, productive  (plates spinning)  or, chaotic, crazy, stressful and exhausting  (plates breaking) . Somehow my life has been bordering more on the latter type of crazy the past few years. Being sick really served as an opportunity to take a better look at streamlining and downsizing again. I simply have too many irons in the fire… Too many complexities that need too much of my attention to keep running. Too much risk. Too many of a lot of things that are eroding not only my sanity and enjoyment of Life... But also my ability to make the impact I am wanting to make. I often ask myself is the ‘Juice worth the squeeze.’ ..and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s time for some change… S


  Q: So, how long does it take to bounce back from your injury or sickness? A: Depends… Injury, Sickness & Set Backs It’s one thing to feel sore, get some bruise, pull a muscle. It’s another to have a surgery, or worse still, have some major health issue.  As we continue to make this path a lifestyle AND as we continue to get longer in the tooth so to speak, it’s inevitable that at some point, you’re going to get taken out of your game from time to time. You’re going to get hurt, sick, a new job, married, kids, whatever… These and other set backs are all a part of life and part of your training. As Ryan Holliday’s book says: “The obstacle us the Way.” The real question is, what’s your… BOUNCE BACK RATE!? Unfortunately, most simply bounce out, never to train again. Doing that means missing out on all of the benefits that can only be realized through your training. The Long View… One thing you have to have is a Long View of your training. This also pre-disposes you to some other thin