

Q: So, how long does it take to bounce back from your injury or sickness?

A: Depends…

Injury, Sickness & Set Backs

It’s one thing to feel sore, get some bruise, pull a muscle. It’s another to have a surgery, or worse still, have some major health issue. 

As we continue to make this path a lifestyle AND as we continue to get longer in the tooth so to speak, it’s inevitable that at some point, you’re going to get taken out of your game from time to time.

You’re going to get hurt, sick, a new job, married, kids, whatever…

These and other set backs are all a part of life and part of your training.

As Ryan Holliday’s book says:

“The obstacle us the Way.”

The real question is, what’s your…


Unfortunately, most simply bounce out, never to train again. Doing that means missing out on all of the benefits that can only be realized through your training.

The Long View…

One thing you have to have is a Long View of your training. This also pre-disposes you to some other things like:

  • Work on your patience

  • learn to take baby steps

  • Set long term goals and expectations that align with a lifetime of training

  • Don’t be a knucklehead

  • Understand your WHY!

  • Be playful

  • Enjoy your journey!

The Bus

Sometimes you get hit by the bus or get thrown under the bus… Other times you’re on the struggle bus… Heck, I don’t know about you, but it’s easy to feel like you’re riding the short bus…

But whatever you do don’t…

Miss the bus!

Keep going man!

No matter what it takes…

Get that Bounce Back!

Your Next Stop?!

As my friend and mentor often says…

“This (training) path is an infinite journey, so we are all the same distance from the finish line… Keep Going.”

I Have to Admit…

This virus that took a hit out on me is testing my patience (and some other things), but it won’t get the better of me. No more than any of my injuries, chronic conditions, or age…

I’ll Keep Going…

And I hope you will too!

If you would like to join me and others on this path, I set up a new PeaceWalker Network for us to connect and help each other along this path. It’ll give you access to free content and community.

Follow this link to get access:

Keep Going,


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