It's a Circus...

Things just keep getting more and more crazy, don’t they?! It doesn’t matter if it’s politics, work, your family, or yourself… Life’s a bit of a circus and if you’re not careful, you’ll get so caught up in it that you’ll stress yourself right the f*ck out… Before you even realize it, not only are you miserable, but you’re part of the problem. With your buttons pushed, boundaries breeched, and nerves frazzled, you can easily become one of those monkeys or clowns that you complain about. One minute you’re the cool, calm, collected ring leader running things with the greatest of ease…The next * poof * you find yourself flipping out over things that you never thought you would. Next thing you know the monkeys are running rampant, the clowns take over, and the Big Top is burning to the ground. Whaaaaat?! No Wonder You Need a Vacation! So, how do you even have a snowball’s chance of keeping yourself together?! It’s not just about keeping your poop in a group (although that’s a good sta...