
Showing posts from February, 2025

It's a Circus...

  Things just keep getting more and more crazy, don’t they?! It doesn’t matter if it’s politics, work, your family, or yourself… Life’s a bit of a circus and if you’re not careful, you’ll get so caught up in it that you’ll stress yourself right the f*ck out… Before you even realize it, not only are you miserable, but you’re part of the problem. With your buttons pushed, boundaries breeched, and nerves frazzled, you can easily become one of those monkeys or clowns that you complain about. One minute you’re the cool, calm, collected ring leader running things with the greatest of ease…The next * poof * you find yourself flipping out over things that you never thought you would. Next thing you know the monkeys are running rampant, the clowns take over, and the Big Top is burning to the ground. Whaaaaat?! No Wonder You Need a Vacation! So, how do you even have a snowball’s chance of keeping yourself together?! It’s not just about keeping your poop in a group (although that’s a good sta...

Did They Miss the Point All Together?!

  Some May Have Missed My Point Yesterday my email was about you being in charge of yourself, w/o excuses. You having the courage to live Life on your own terms… A free-range human, so-to-speak. However… A few of you out there in our community missed all of that and seemed to focus on the comments I made about the good ole’ US of A. The main point of yesterday’s message wasn’t whether or not this is a great county to live in  (I think it is)  or anything about this or any other party or system,  (flawed or otherwise)… No, no, the point of yesterday’s email was about YOU TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR OWN LIFE! (period) I don’t personally have much control over the weather, the government, world policies or otherwise. Yes, I vote, I fill out surveys, signed petitions, I have written letters to some of our representatives of various positions, I even went to some rallies and a protest or two… No, I’ve never ran for office or started some gigantic protest or movement (other than...

Have You Given This Some Thought!?

  Freedom & Independence We felt so strongly about individual, liberty, freedom and independence that we founded an entire country around it. Yes, yes, of course things looked a bit different back then. Our idea of what that meant was different. The world was different. However, don’t get lost in that sauce, you can’t look at history though modern eyes, you have to see it for what it was THEN, not now. If you do, you’ll see how significant and forward thinking this country was for ‘modern’ societies at the time. Have You Given This a Thought?! We just celebrated our nation’s freedom & independence… What about YOURS?! Are you celebrating your own freedom and independence in your personal Life?! Do you feel free and independent to Live Life on Your Own Terms? And like our forefathers, are you prepared to protect and defend that freedom and independence? What are you going to do when it’s threatened and under attack?! Now, I’m not talking about a war (foreign or civil) or our ...

Samurai Express

I had some running around to do today. Appointments and stuff. You know, the usual. As I drove around I saw a fair amount of downed limbs and trees. Some of the stop lights weren’t working either. As the day progressed I was getting hangry and needed to find some place to eat. I stopped by several places to find that the electricity was out in certain parts of the city. After going to the 4th restaurant or so, (no lie, most were either closed due to electricity being out or they just weren’t opened today…) I was getting frustrated. Then I remembered a restaurant that was near my house. One that I passed by a thousand times, but never stopped in… Samurai Express Steakhouse & Sushi It looked good at first, but as I drive up to park my car, I see that the place doesn’t look that well taken care of. I walk in anyway and the place is empty except for five guys looking like their gang bangers looking me up and down as I enter. I nod and say, “How’s it going…” They return my greeting. I’m...