Have You Given This Some Thought!?


Freedom & Independence

We felt so strongly about individual, liberty, freedom and independence that we founded an entire country around it.

Yes, yes, of course things looked a bit different back then. Our idea of what that meant was different. The world was different. However, don’t get lost in that sauce, you can’t look at history though modern eyes, you have to see it for what it was THEN, not now. If you do, you’ll see how significant and forward thinking this country was for ‘modern’ societies at the time.

Have You Given This a Thought?!

We just celebrated our nation’s freedom & independence…

What about YOURS?!

Are you celebrating your own freedom and independence in your personal Life?!

Do you feel free and independent to Live Life on Your Own Terms?

And like our forefathers, are you prepared to protect and defend that freedom and independence?

What are you going to do when it’s threatened and under attack?!

Now, I’m not talking about a war (foreign or civil) or our own government turning on us (not to say that any of those things are impossible)…

What I’m asking you here is in your personal Life right now, do you feel Free and Independent?

Do you feel large and in charge of your own Life? Do you feel as if you Live Your Life on Your Own Terms? Do you feel a sense of Power, Peace Joy & Fulfillment?

If you do GREAT!


If you don’t, why not?

And more to the point…

How are you planning to achieve that?

If you don’t feel you are personally living a free, independent & powerful Life in arguably one of the, if not THE freest country in the world, why not!? What’s the problem?

More to the point, what’s your problem?

I’ll give you a hint… It’s not ‘the system’ oppressing you.

(Don’t blow a gasket Karen.)

Yes, yes, there are discrepancies out there, life’s not always fair…

Regardless, no matter who you are, or how you cut it up, you have a pretty good deal here… And lots of opportunity.

There’s a reason MILLIONS of people are literally dying to live here. Year in and year out, people flood our boarders both legally and illegally. You don’t see this happing everywhere. You see it here though. It’s by accident. And it’s not because this is such a horribly oppressive place to live.

Of course we have our short-comings and problems… Every place does, but even with all of that going against us, we’re still more than just a pretty good choice.

Let’s get back to the point.

Do you feel safe?

Do you feel free?






Or, are you just, as Henry Henry David Thoreau said, “leading a life of quiet desperation…”

If you are, what are you going to do about it?

Are you gaining the tools to build the key to escape this prison that you created?

If I DO Feel Good? What Then?!

If you do feel good about those things, then I ask you this...

Do you have a plan on what to do when those things are threatened?

Do you have the tools to protect yourself and your family... Emotionally, Verbally, Physically?

How confident are you when it comes to dealing with conflict and violence in all of these areas?

Most people simply aren’t that good at it. Some think they are until they are put in a situation… Put to the test so to speak, then they find out that they didn’t really have the skills or a good plan at all.

Hopefully that’s not you.

Where Do You Start?

…Your Mindset of course.

Now I’m going to tell you the three components to mindset and I want you to think about these three things for the next couple days. If you just read them here and do nothing, this won’t serve you very well…

Once again, it’s your choice!

Here it is, your first step is…

MINDSET - Made up of three things:

  • Ethic: All Life is Precious - Separate peoples Life Value from their Behavior and beliefs.

  • Identity: You Were Born a Protector - Protect the right things.

  • Attitude: Stay Calm, Cool & Collected - Use Conflict as an Opportunity

*Bonus: Know what your deal breakers are. Yes, I’m talking boundaries. Be clear to yourself on what they are and how you communicate them to others.

A Quick Action Step

Today, walk around like a PeaceWalker would. If you don’t know what I’m talking about fake it. Yes, that’s right, you read that correctly. I said fake it. You know, pretend.

What would a PeaceWalker walk like? Talk like? What decisions would you make? How would you present yourself to the world? How do you treat people as a PeaceWalker? How do you handle conflict? How do you act? How do you Live?

Are You Tracking?!

Learning how to be a PeaceWalker makes all the difference in the world. It not only provides answers of how to protect yourself: physically, verbally & emotionally, it helps you to achieve (true) success in Life. And that my friend is the real measure. Be safer, happier, more powerful. Enjoy more peace and joy in your Life, and the lives of those who mean the most to you. You’re their Protect, don’t lose sight of that.

If you want to change your Game and change your Life when it comes to handling conflict (from disagreements to full on physical assaults) then...

Get more resources to protect yourself and live a safer, healthier, happier, more fulfilled life, then join our private community, PeaceWalker Connect. It’s a free private community that will give you access to the method and means to Live, Protect and Inspire.

Here’s the Link:


It’s a Transformation…

YOUR Transformation!

Keep Going,



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