It's a Circus...
Things just keep getting more and more crazy, don’t they?! It doesn’t matter if it’s politics, work, your family, or yourself… Life’s a bit of a circus and if you’re not careful, you’ll get so caught up in it that you’ll stress yourself right the f*ck out… Before you even realize it, not only are you miserable, but you’re part of the problem. With your buttons pushed, boundaries breeched, and nerves frazzled, you can easily become one of those monkeys or clowns that you complain about. One minute you’re the cool, calm, collected ring leader running things with the greatest of ease…The next *poof* you find yourself flipping out over things that you never thought you would. Next thing you know the monkeys are running rampant, the clowns take over, and the Big Top is burning to the ground. Whaaaaat?! |
No Wonder You Need a Vacation! |
So, how do you even have a snowball’s chance of keeping yourself together?! It’s not just about keeping your poop in a group (although that’s a good start). How can you thrive when it seems like Life’s on fire?! If you do it right, you may even start ENJOYING yourself! |
Ok Smarty Pants… How?!? |
Navigating stress with a positive mindset is really a combination of humor, wisdom, and resilience. First off… Relax & breathe… Begin your day with gratitude; start off each morning by listing three things you’re thankful for. Embrace challenges; see stress as a chance to grow stronger. Remember, conflict is an opportunity if you use it as such. Don’t lose your sense of humor. None of us are getting out of this circus alive, so don’t waste time being miserable. Find laughter in life’s absurdities. We both know there are plenty of them! Practice mindfulness; take time out in the day to breathe deeply and ground yourself. Being centered or grounded can help you to refresh and destress a bit, before going back into the fray. A quick grounding exercise you can do anywhere is to take a deep breath, feel your feet firmly on the ground, and mentally note five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. By blending gratitude, resilience, humor, and mindfulness, you may not only survive this circus… You may even transform your stress into an opportunity for growth and even joy. It’s worth a try anyway… |
What does this have to do with… |
You may be wondering what all this stuff has to do with protecting yourself?! Simple. When you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, frustrated or helpless. Not only do you become an easier target, you often react to things negatively… Sometimes you even become the instigator, stirring things up that you may not have if you were in a better head space. Practice Letting Things Go… Not unhealthily so though. You know what I mean right?! We often carry so much negative baggage we forget that we can choose to simply set that stuff down and move on with things… Lighter, healthier, happier, more aware and ready to respond in a productive way. Ok, ok, ok… Last thing. Choose to Be in a Good Emotional State No Matter What. This is a practice. You’re not going to be successful at this all the time. (I know I’m not.) Some work stuff has been stressing me out lately and I haven’t been doing a bang up job at letting go of some things that I have little control over. Trust me, I am trying, but they’re pushing some deep seated buttons. |
Good Thing I Train For This Stuff! |
Learning how to successfully navigate all of this is simple, but not necessarily easy. Like I’ve said, it’s a practice. You have to have to learn a simple, yet rarely taught method in order to develop a very particular set of skills… (right Liam?! =) Of course there is effort involved, but it’s minimal in comparison to the rewards. The effort to learn to live this way makes all the difference in the world. We all have to deal with conflict on a daily basis. I’m not just talking about physical conflict. I’m talking about conflict and violence of all sorts. The monkeys are always ready to mutiny and the clowns constantly lay in waiting to revolt. There’s always some fire to put out, from family emergencies, to nasty social media posts, passive aggressive employees, to endless political shenanigans. Conflicts small and large are always threatening to burn your tent (and life) down to the ground. From disagreements to full on physical assaults. Believe it or not the way to handle all of this boils down to one simple framework that you can learn quickly and use immediately. Not only can you feel safer, happier, healthier, & more powerful, you can gain confidence in dealing with almost everything this modern life can throw at you. It amazing what just a little bit of training can do when you do it right! If you want to escape the crazy and change your Life, then I encourage you to join our free private network, PeaceWalker Connect. If you would like to get more resources to protect yourself and live a safer, healthier, happier, more fulfilled life, then join our private community, PeaceWalker Connect. It’s a free private community that will give you access to the method and means to Live, Protect and Inspire. Here’s the Link: Keep Going, ~Craig |
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