
Showing posts from March, 2025

Empty Tank?!

I’m just sitting here listening to some Jimmy Buffett (still hard to believe he’s gone…). I’m no parrot head, but I did get a chance to see him a few times in concert… Quite an experience if you ever got the chance. I thought I’d sneak one more email out to you before the weekend closes in. Empty Tank!? One of the negative patterns that I see in a lot of leaders out there is that many themselves last. They take care of everyone else, but they don’t take care of themselves. And that, my friend, inevitably leads to burn out. You’re no good to anyone if you burn out  (not to mention it’s a miserable place to be too!) YOU have to stay healthy. If you don’t have anything left, what are you going to give? It’s hard to be a Protector if you don’t have any fight left in you. If you’re tired, frazzled and burned out, you’re a easier target and sometimes maybe even the instigator. You have to feed your body… Your mind… Your soul. You have to be able to recharge. Most folks are operating from...